Magana Cathcart & McCarthy

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Intersection Car Accidents

Intersection Accidents a Common Occurrence

By Magaña Cathcart McCarthy |

Intersections are one of the most dangerous portions of any drive. Among the most common forms of car accidents, collisions at intersections are also among the types of accidents most likely to cause injuries to vehicle occupants. Read more about intersection crashes below, and contact a California car accident lawyer if you’ve been hurt… Read More »

The image of camera on dashboard of car

Dash Cams Could Support Car Accident Claims

By Magaña Cathcart McCarthy |

Motor vehicle accidents can be confusing and disorienting, resulting in neither driver having a perfect understanding of what caused a crash. If you’re certain that you weren’t at fault in an automobile accident, but the other driver is equally confident in asserting that they weren’t at fault, figuring out who’s really at fault can… Read More »

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Small Aircraft Lands on 405 Freeway

By Magaña Cathcart McCarthy |

In a dramatic airplane crash that shut down the I-405 freeway, a small aircraft dropped from the sky near the John Wayne Airport on Friday, June 30, 2017. The small twin-engine Cessna 310 was carrying two people when it took off from John Wayne Airport in Costa Mesa, California at about 9:30 am. Shortly… Read More »

defective product sign

Report Finds More Recalls of Children’s Products, and More Associated Injuries, in 2016

By Magaña Cathcart McCarthy |

Parents should be able to trust that the products they buy for their children, whether strollers, toys, or furniture, will be safe for use by and for children. Manufacturers don’t always take seriously their duty to ensure that products are safe before bringing them to market, however. According to a report produced by the… Read More »

The insurance claim form

How Much Is My Car Accident Claim Worth?

By Magaña Cathcart McCarthy |

After a major motor vehicle accident, there are countless expenses that quickly stack up, placing a heavy burden on your family’s finances. You may be missing work due to your injuries, paying a large number of copays for doctor’s visits, or purchasing expensive medical equipment. You may be worrying about how you’ll cover these… Read More »

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Children Not Properly Restrained are at Much Higher Risk for Fatal Injury, Study Finds

By Magaña Cathcart McCarthy |

Parents and guardians have a challenging task in keeping their child passengers safe while on the road. Installing car seats can be confusing and challenging, as can convincing a headstrong child to willingly get into a car seat or booster seat. Regardless, the battle of wills that can ensue when taking a child on… Read More »

Black warning

Invokana Receives Black Box Warning for Amputation Risk

By Magaña Cathcart McCarthy |

Invokana, a diabetes medication that has become the subject of hundreds of lawsuits, now must carry a so-called “black box warning,” according to a recent decision by the Food and Drug Administration. Invokana already carries multiple warnings regarding the potential dangerous effects of the drug. The drug was first approved in 2013, and was… Read More »

A man talking on phone while driving

Phone Distractions while Driving an Even Bigger Problem than Previously Understood

By Magaña Cathcart McCarthy |

Driving along hectic and jam-packed Southern California freeways is perilous enough, even while dedicating your full attention to the task. Despite the inherent risks of driving on such busy roads, many drivers in Los Angeles can’t resist the siren call of their phones while behind the wheel. Many drivers deny that they have a… Read More »

The window of the plane explodes

Windshield and Landing Gear Failures Cause Emergency Landing in Fresno County

By Magaña Cathcart McCarthy |

A plane carrying a family of four experienced a forced landing near Firebaugh Airport in Firebaugh, California. The plane suffered numerous mechanical failings during the brief time it was in the air, including a windshield malfunction and failure of the landing gear to deploy. The aircraft was an Evolution Air Lancair Evolution, carrying four… Read More »

A fatal plane crash

Fatal Plane Crash Outside of Los Angeles

By Magaña Cathcart McCarthy |

A recent crash of a vintage aircraft took the life of the craft’s pilot while he was on his way to a gathering for Soviet aircraft enthusiasts. The reasons for the crash remain under investigation by the National Transportation Safety Board. The aircraft that crashed was a Nanchang CJ6A. The pilot was flying in… Read More »

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